Screaming Bee GiggleType | 6.5 Mb
GiggleType uses text-to-speech (TTS) to output audio to any app that uses a microphone. Let your computer to do all the talking! There is no need for you to use a microphone or even say a word. Just start typing and GiggleType converts your message to text-to-speech audio. Your message can be automatically sent through Skype, Google Talk, online games and more.
For added laughs, you can convert messages using various GiggleType filters:
Cow - convert your message to cow-speak.
Cussomatic - add sass to your message and let your computer swear like a sailor.
Decussomatic - talk nice! Tame any curse-ridden message.
Gibberish - various different filters can change your message into random and amusing blather.
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